Entries by admin

The Race to Conquer: New Technology Revolutionizing Wars

People have witnessed conflicts as a result of the race for power. These battles have shown a persistent underlying need to remain on top while absolving oneself of all responsibility for the collateral damage that results.  World War I, was the first modern mechanised industrial war, in which material resources and manufacturing capabilities were just […]

The Power Struggle: Parallels of an Arm Race

The raging war impetus has got people at the edge of their seats looking at the world giving into the glory of violence. Frequent tension amongst countries over disputes that doesn’t weigh into the collateral damage. Witnessing nations build narratives on who saves who, whilst they speciously try conning one another. The India-China standoff, the […]

Self-Driving cars making headway- A step into the future

Introduction: For decades, engineers have experimented with self-driving automobile prototypes. The concept is simple: equip a car with cameras that can track all of the things in its immediate vicinity and have the car respond if it is going to drive into one. Teach in-car computers the laws of the road before releasing them to […]

North Korea’s steps towards advanced tactical weaponry.

North Korea has one of the world’s largest conventional military forces, which, when paired with its missile and nuclear tests and belligerent rhetoric, has sparked global worry. However, international powers have been powerless to stop it from acquiring nuclear weapons. North Korea’s nuclear arsenal is unknown in terms of quantity and power. According to experts, […]

Is technology taking over?

Humans have been developing tools and technologies to help us achieve our goals since the beginning of time. Huge technological breakthroughs have resulted in large adjustments in social structures, as well as how people contribute to society and make a livelihood. Today’s technological advancements are fast allowing much of the labour that is now done […]

India’s strategic relations with Australia.

Australia’s developing strategic connections with India are defined by defense alliances, people-to-people links, and prospective trade pacts that are being expedited. After five decades of tense or distant strategic relations, India and Australia began to build a more cooperative defense and security collaboration in the early 2000s. Similar worries about China’s ascent, behaviour, and aggressiveness, […]

India deepening its ties with Israel.

Introduction: In 1992, India and Israel established full diplomatic ties, and the two nations’ bilateral relationship has since bloomed on economic, military, agricultural, and political levels. Both nations perceive themselves as isolated democracies endangered by neighbors that train, finance, and promote terrorism, hence their cooperative relationship is viewed as a strategic requirement by both. The […]

India & UK aim to strengthen their defense ties.

With the signing of the 2030 Roadmap for India-UK Ties, which sets goals for the partnership over the next 10 years, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a crucial step forward for the future of India-UK relations. The UK government stated that it has begun preparations for a trade […]

Evolution of Defense- Advancing Artificial Intelligence

What do we understand from Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence, in its most basic form, is a subject that combines computer science with large datasets to solve problems. It also includes the sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, both of which are usually referenced when discussing artificial intelligence. AI algorithms are used in these industries […]

Countries increasing their defense expenditure, stalwarting their dominance in the geopolitical scenario.

All revenue and capital expenditure on the armed forces, including peacekeeping forces of defence ministries and other government agencies engaged in defence projects, and paramilitary forces when judged to be trained, equipped, and ready for military operations, is referred to as defence expenditure. It typically reflects a country’s perception of the possibility of threats against […]