Entries by admin

China Expanding its Arsenal.

For the first time in years, China’s nuclear arsenal looks to be growing significantly. China possessed just approximately twenty silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles in the last couple of decades. However, fresh information suggests that the government is set to build around 200 additional missile silos. China’s current nuclear weapons modernization and updating program is operating […]

Britain’s moving forward, modernising its arsenal.

The manner in which war is fought is evolving. While technological advancements in the twentieth century helped to level the playing field between states, rapid progress in the recent two decades has made it clear that possessing a state’s money, or even being a state, is no longer a need for influencing global politics. Technology […]

Africa-India Defence Ties

India, which possesses the world’s second-largest army, has positioned itself as a responsible participant in the international system and has successfully deployed its force in global defence cooperation efforts. Currently, India has military-to-military cooperation agreements with about one-third of the 54 African countries, especially in the sphere of training. India has engaged in all UN […]