The 86 billion neurons of the human brain represent humankind’s primary evolutionary advantage and, perhaps, an area of untapped potential. Currently, our brains interact with the world through our bodies, sending electrical currents through the nervous system to vocalize with our mouths, to type—or swipe—with our fingers, or to move bipedally through space. Neurotechnological advances have already given quadriplegics the ability to perform basic operations in an F-35 simulator with their thoughts1 and have given scientists the ability to decode speech that subjects are imagining in their minds—albeit imperfectly. Eventually, our physical

Brain-computer interface (BCI) represents an emerging and potentially disruptive area of technology that, to date, has received minimal public discussion in the defense and national security policy communities. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has invested in the development of technologies that allow the human brain to communicate directly with machines, including the development of implantable neural interfaces able to transfer data between the human brain and the digital world. This technology may eventually be used to monitor a soldier’s cognitive workload, control a drone swarm, or link with a prosthetic, among other examples. However, there is a sense of skepticism on numerous policy, safety, legal, and ethical fronts that need to be evaluated and answered before the technology can be assumed to its full potential.

Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a collaboration between a brain and a device that enables signals from the brain to direct external activity, the interface enables a direct communications pathway between the brain and the object to be controlled.

the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has suggested that “smart systems will significantly impact how our troops operate in the future, and now is the time to be thinking about what human-machine teaming will actually look like and how it might be accomplished. . .”

Work with BCI tends to fall into the following categories, which provide a framework for our investigations of operational relevance and applied capabilities in subsequent sections:

  • data transfer from the brain
  • direct system control
  • prosthetics and paralysis treatment
  • cortically coupled AI (for training or running AI systems)
  • data transfer to the brain, and brain-to-brain communication.

these can be segmented further into work involving invasive systems and noninvasive systems. Invasive systems involve implanting electronic devices beneath the human skull, inside the brain. The surgery allows practitioners to place the implant exactly where desired to monitor precise sets of neurons that govern specific neurological functions, but it carries health risks. Alternatively, noninvasive systems sit outside the skull. While this reduces risk to the user, the skull essentially acts as a filter and muffles the electrical signal.

The defense ministry of the Government of India, on 14th June 2022 announced the change in the Indian military recruitment model and hence announced the ‘Agneepath Scheme’ for stations below the rank of commissioned officers in all three wings of the military. This will be the only recruitment route for the military and all recruits will be hired for a fixed period of four years under a new military rank named ‘Agniveer’.

Central to the scheme, Indian youth is set to play a crucial role in realizing the dream of building an AatmaNirbhar, Sashakt Bharat. And Agnipath scheme will take them a step closer as claimed by the Indian government.

Many countries practice compulsory military conscription methodology to fuel the need of youth in their military resource pool. South Korea, for instance, establishes in its constitution the mandatory conscription of the male population between the ages of 18-35 for a period of 18 months of military service from where they may apply for permanent commission. The Agnipath Scheme although not identical but is similar to such conscription methodology, allows for both male and female aspirants of age group 17.5 to 23 years of age to apply for the military services for a fixed duration and have a prospect of permanent commission after the tenure granted that not more than 25 percent of the total strength of the retiring batch will be selected for the permanent cadre.

Amidst all the skepticism raised regarding the after-effects of this change, Major General Ashok Kumar was of the view that every change raises apprehensions in the beginning. “This scheme is transformational and will benefit both the armed forces and the country in an asymmetrical manner. It will bring down the current age profile of the frontline units from 32 years at present to 26 years in four-six years’ time.  Since the retention will be only 25 percent of the intake there will be a qualitative upgrade of the unit’s profile,” he said.

Army Veteran, Lieutenant General Raj Shukla was also supportive of the Agnipath scheme believing that this scheme was a part of a major National Security makeover. Numerous measures are being taken in procurement, innovation, OFB reforms, DRDO. The Agnipath scheme is a comprehensive reform that has 3 modules – Recruitment, Training, and re-enrollment. This is not just about the armed forces but it is a comprehensive scheme. The present recruitment system has gone obsolete as it is 70 years old where the emphasis is only on physical and medical. It is a modified and greatly improved system. The Agnipath scheme is linked further to ITIs and Skill India so that we get better recruits. And when we get better recruits, and as per the retention policy, we will retain the best of the best. All the candidates will go through focused and Scientific training modules in accordance with the global standards.

Further, Internationally Russia has followed a hybrid model of conscription and contract to recruit soldiers into their Armed Forces. Conscripts have a term of one year and are then put into reserve. As of 2021, all male citizens aged 18–27 are subject to conscription for one year of active duty military service in the Armed Forces. New conscripts undergo up to eight months of training before being sent to designated units. Conscription seasons run twice a year in Russia – from 1 April until 15 July (spring) and between 1 October and 31 December (autumn). During these periods, men aged between 18 and 27, with no health issues or outstanding convictions could be called on to serve. The youth of France join the Armed Forces, called the Forces armées françaises, on a voluntary and contractual basis. The volunteer can sign a one-year contract, which can be extended to five years. Soldiers are given training for three months and those who serve for over 19 years are eligible for the state pension.


There are various contractual conscription processes for military services in many countries around the world but most of these countries have mandatory conscription of the young by law. The Agneepath scheme ensures the voluntary enlistment nature of the Indian military but at the same time provides the benefit of retaining the polished recruits among the many who enter the Agniveer program. Thus, ensuring the quality of the cadets entering the main forces.

A military exercise or war game is a measure to test the performance of the armed forces without engaging on the battlefield. On the intangible side, military exercises promote brotherhood and camaraderie between soldiers and militaries. Besides goodwill, it is a tool for the projection of a nation’s soft power.

In international relations strategy, military diplomacy has, in recent years, emerged as a powerful tool to further the diplomatic interests of nations. Participation in international level military exercises is an indication of the highest level of trust and confidence between the member nations. It is a critical confidence-building measure (CBM) and an expression of the faith reposed by India in another country or a group of member nations.

Military exercises have enabled militaries to understand each other’s drills and procedures, overcome language barriers, and familiarize equipment capabilities. It also facilitates understanding and familiarisation with new technologies that other countries may be utilizing and enables on-the-job training of each other’s crews. This is particularly useful in the event of joint operations, whether in war or in operations other than war (OOTW) – humanitarian aid, disaster relief, anti-piracy, etc. – when nations come together for a common cause. A fine example was the aid assistance provided by a host of nations during the tsunami in South East Asia, where a massive land, air, and sea rescue effort was successfully executed to give relief to the affected countries.

Australia, Japan, India, and the United States, otherwise known as QUAD, have  conducted the second edition of the Malabar naval exercises off the coast of Guam from August 26-29, 2021. This time including the fourth member of the QUAD, i.e., Australia.

According to the Indian Defence ministry, MALABAR-21 witnessed high-tempo exercises conducted between Destroyers, Frigates, Corvettes, Submarines, Helicopters, and Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft in the participating navies. Complex surface, sub-surface, and air operations, including Live Weapon Firing Drills, Anti-Surface, Anti-Air, and Anti-Submarine Warfare Drills, Joint Manoeuvres, and Tactical exercises were conducted during this exercise. The 2020 edition of the Malabar exercise, which included Australia, was held in two phases in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

This was particularly indicative of the increasing hostility between China and the Quad countries, citing to which the cooperation is bound to mature and intensify. The apprehensiveness can be seen in China’s viewpoint, at the growing Quad engagements, and the Malabar exercises in particular, with increasing concern. Beijing has called them the Quad’s efforts at “containing” China’s growing global profile and footprint.

India has different forms of bilateral and multilateral military exercises with all these nations. Recently, the Indian Navy has conducted several Passage Exercises (PASSEX) with the navies of Japan, Australia, and the US. These are basic exercises to increase operability between the navies.


India, as a blooming world power, has to reflect on both the Soft Power Projection and Military Influence over the world and unexplored places. Joint Military Exercises help not only in strengthening diplomatic exchange but also in familiarising the country’s military with unknown geography, making the deployment easy in such terrains if need be. UN Peacekeeping missions are a great example of such practice, as India volunteers for the third-largest peacekeeping efforts.

The use of lasers for military applications is rising every year. The armies across various different countries use a myriad of laser systems for their specific combat tasks and actions. Traditional troops of land forces, artillery, air defense, and aviation forces today recognize the laser as a major operational element in increasing their accuracy and effectiveness during combat operations. They are also part of various training modules in the educational process of military servicemen in military schools and universities.

The advantages of using laser weapons in military operations depend on the tasks to be solved. The tests that have been carried out yielded that they were very fast and were able to strike at targets with the speed of light (300,000 km/s). Targeting without waiting (both in height and in the side directions) and capable of  Quick targeting opportunities, agile, and in a short period can intercept several targets or one single target multiple times (compared, for example, with missiles or projectiles already launched to reach the goal).

The absence of the possibility to shoot down a striking beam (as a projectile or a rocket) cannot be distracted by a heat trap, It is also resistant to jamming systems (resistant to electromagnetic interference), etc. and low price ranges are the biggest advantages in comparison with some classical means of destruction (exceptionally cost-effective when compared to conventional ammunition, with each laser shot costing as little as one US dollar).

The ability to control the shot power that allows you to hit different targets at different distances. High localization of destruction, makes it possible to use such systems, for example, in urban conditions without incidental losses. The relative silence of the shot and invisibility for the eyes (for IR, UV ranges, especially pulsed lasers), Logistic support of the combat use of laser weapons (especially based on solid-state lasers) is much simpler than for several classical systems of defeat

 Laser technology is introduced in military affairs according to specific guidelines that have been developed in the following areas, Laser location (ground, air, underwater), Laser communication, Laser navigation systems, Laser weapons, Laser systems for missile defense, and anti-satellite protection.

The first laser was developed in the 1960s and it was the beginning of a drastic change in the way the military sees war. At the time of the Cold War, the US government relied on military strength through technological advances and, in the 1960s, multiplied its budget. Following that in 1962, according to ‘Aviation Week and Space Technology”, the Department of Defence alone promoted lasers spending about 1.5 million US dollars. Continuing it in the late 1970s and 1980s was difficult in terms of laser development in different types of weapon systems and their application. All branches of the military and industry have sought to master high levels of laser output power, beam management, and the creation of appropriate optics.

In 1999, the Department of Defence (US) officially recognized the lasers as future weapons and started research and development. Following in 2000, the Joint Technology Bureau for High-Energy Lasers was created to bring all laser technologies together to develop a comprehensive laser weapon system that could be used by the Air Force. With continued advances in laser development in recent years, modern laser weapon systems have become a reality and an important part of the weaponry 

Today, though, the United States, China, India, and Russia, amongst others, are all actively pursuing directed energy weapons. The U.S. has gone as far as deploying a prototype laser weapons system on a small number of its warships, though they have never been fired in combat as far as is publicly known.

The technical challenges remain significant. Laser weapons require enormous electrical power along with, in some cases, complex arrays of volatile chemicals. While they reach their target effectively instantaneously, their effect depends on heating the target to the point where it suffers structural failure, which can require the system to remain trained on what can be a small, rapidly-moving point target for an extended period. Keeping the beam focused over meaningful distances through inconsistent atmospheric conditions is challenging – after all, no commander wants to go into battle with a weapons system that doesn’t work in the rain.

During the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the Russian side claimed to deploy its Laser weapon system as an anti measure against one of its main menaces in Ukraine: Drones. With its drones, the Ukrainian military has managed to catch the Russian army on the back foot on several occasions. In addition to the military drones delivered by NATO countries, Ukrainians have tracked and attacked Russian targets with their own self-made and commercial drones. At a conference, Russia claimed that Zadira had already shot down a Ukrainian drone in five seconds at a distance of 5 kilometers. Russia says it could also use its weapon to dazzle satellites and military cameras and detectors.


The sophisticated technology can be the biggest game-changer for Militaries all over the world, in terms of cost, efficiency, and infrastructure. This is a futuristic armament that is capable of solving suspected problems arising with Technological advancements of mankind, for instance, the protection of Outerspace infrastructure and satellites.

In the recent year, since Meta’s announcement, a myriad of other players have announced their intention to create tools that will facilitate the oncoming of a metaverse from gaming companies to software giants and social media companies. The defense industry has not been immune to this sudden surge of enthusiasm, with the metaverse becoming one of the newest buzzwords among youth. The metaverse is already slated to be one of the core themes of numerous defense conferences.

The US military has been developing virtual worlds for the purpose of training since the 1980s when it first created SIMNET, an extensive simulator network for collective training and mission rehearsal. In the last two decades, standards like Distributed Interactive Simulation and High-Level Architecture have facilitated the integration of disparate training simulations, allowing users to experience virtual combat within one synthetic space.

In 1999 Britain also developed the UK MoD, which defined synthetic environments as linking “a combination of models, simulations, people and real equipment into a common representation of the world providing consistency and concurrency across previously discrete activities.” The British Army has been investigating the use of XR technology at scale, with over 30 soldiers in the virtual training scenario. The ambitious project to simulate the whole battlespace is the UK MoDs Single Synthetic Environment (SSE), inspired by Improbable’s SpatialOS technology aiming to harness technological advances in gaming and the Internet. It recognizes that the world has become increasingly more interconnected and data-driven, and it is thus more challenging for decision-makers to understand, visualize and respond quickly.

Indian Army will also train its soldiers in Metaverse enabled wargaming. The Virtual reality wargames are powered by Artificial Intelligence, and the first of its kind simulation-based training center WARDEC will be established in a military zone in New Delhi.

It refers to the Wargame Research and Development Centre. Indian Army has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) in Gandhinagar to develop WARDEC. The University comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Government of Gujarat. RRU will develop WARDEC along with Tech giant Tech Mahindra.

The WARDEC will enable hands-on training for soldiers to test their strategies and develop a Wargame simulation through Metaverse-enabled gameplay. The Simulation and Wargame models will be designed to get battle-ready at any moment of time and conduct counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations efficiently. It will also provide hands-on training to soldiers to test their strategies and develop a Wargame simulation through “Metaverse-enabled gameplay.” The Simulation and Wargame models will be designed to get battle-ready at any moment of time and conduct counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations efficiently.


Metaverse-centric ideas are already afloat on many oncoming military systems. The high-tech helmet for the F-35 jets includes an augmented reality display that shows telemetry data and target information on top of video footage from around the aircraft. The US Army announced that it would be willing to pay Microsoft up to $22 billion for developing a version of its HoloLens augmented reality system for warfighters, known as the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS).

VR and AR have become integrated aspects of training for the US military in recent times. In 2014, the Office of Naval Research and the Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California developed Project BlueShark. This system allowed sailors to drive vessels and collaborate in a virtual environment. Also, Project Avenger is now used for training US Navy pilots. The US Air Force is using VR to teach pilots about managing aircraft and missions. VR is also used to help treat veterans with chronic pain and post-traumatic stress as a rehabilitation system. Boeing has created an AR environment that helps mechanics practice working on planes before stepping aboard a real one which increases their efficiency in real-time.

The AR technology developed by Red6 was used to pit a real fighter pilot against an aircraft controlled by an AI algorithm developed as part of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) AI dogfighting project. The AI top gun, created by another startup called EpiSci, learned how to outmaneuver and outgun an opponent through a process of trial and error. The AI pilot eventually developed superhuman skills and was able to beat its human opponent every time.


Even though the individual efforts may be lacking but globally, the groundstone for a fully functioning real Metaverse has been laid. Many companies like Red-6, DARPA, Boeing, Oculus, Anduril, EpiSci, and many others, including Tech-giants like Microsoft and Facebook (now Meta), are helping to charter a way to the bigger goals via small but rigorous innovation.

Electrical energy is a basic need for almost all activities in mundane life, and this is especially true for military operations. The dependency on energy is crucial for a nation’s security, keeping   military functioning in mind. Most of this energy need is satiated by primitive structures, at both transmission and distribution divisions, and at many times not protected in an arm’s conflict, prominently in remote regions of the country like glaciers and rugged border terrains with strenuous reach.

These infrastructures can be targeted physically or digitally by cyber-attacks. Thus, disrupting the energy supply to strategic regions and hence creating a huge disadvantage for one side. Many countries have been developing projects using microgrids that utilize utility-scale energy storage technology. This new system has independent, controllable and unique energy generation, including renewable generation, electric vehicles, energy storage, and control devices. Essentially for deploying renewable energy, it is important to have an energy storage system.

Renewables can be used in a centralized or decentralized format. The concept yields both efficiency and flexibility in the use of natural resources. A generic microgrid design includes a PV energy generation system, electric boilers, gas-fired, wind turbines, biogas digesters, and to store the power generated; Utility-scale energy storage.

The U.S Army has a goal-specific installation of five “net-zero” units by 2020, following an additional 25 by 2030. It means that the military compounds produce sufficient energy as needed. European countries are also applying such initiatives in the Military Green program. This program recognizes principles and responsibilities to meet environmental requirements during European military operations. Generating electricity on-site and storing it would ensure military bases could operate in all sorts of areas and situations, improving energy assurance and resiliency through the integration of electric energy storage systems. This concept has been introduced in multiple ways of integrating large-scale energy storage into military microgrids installations.

These energy storage systems can be applied to all sorts of combinations to improve the energy supply in a remote area, working along with diesel generators, photovoltaic panels, and wind generators. They also can operate in modules and with specific objectives such as demand response, peak shaving, ancillary services, and energy quality.

Places with conflicts can present a severe lack of infrastructure, and challenging geographical guerilla warfare tactics, reflecting on the cost to transport fuel and other supplies. This cost can have extreme values, reaching as far as U$ 400 per gallon in operations in Afghanistan to supply vehicles, airplanes, and diesel generators. There are also the human lives involved in it. One study shows that oil transportation protection can result in 10-15% of the soldiers’ casualties on the battlefield. Operations in Iraq ended with 18,700 soldier casualties in a span of 9 years, just from water and fuel transport.

As a way out of the fuel supply chain, EVs are receiving more attention in the military market, offering numerous benefits for combat vehicles, such as required acceleration and maneuverability with optimal torque, traction, power, and speed in all types of terrain, rough or smooth. The U.S military has made significant investments into EVs with these applications. One of the major advantages garnered by EVs is their battery storage which can be used for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications, supporting energy generation and enabling energy to be used in the microgrid. With V2G technology, a car battery can be charged and discharged based on different sources, such as solar and wind, allowing the energy system to balance the renewable output.

US Military Microgrid Arsenal

In 2017 Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island updated its electrical system with a new microgrid. The 10 MW microgrid, which incorporates a 6.7 MW solar array, an 8 MWh lithium-ion energy storage system, 3.5 MW backup diesel generator, and a 3.5 MW natural gas combined heat and power (CHP) plant allows the base to fully disconnect from the grid and operate in island mode during grid disturbances. This project cut the base’s utility demand by 79% and save $6.9 million annually in utility and operational costs along with eliminating 37,165 metric tons of CO2 production.

At the Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod, Massachusetts in 2018 a similar project went online. It incorporates a 1.5 MW wind turbine, a 1.6 MW diesel backup generator, and an intelligent 1.6-MW/1.2-MWh lead-acid battery energy storage, and management system. It was the first military microgrid to use a battery energy storage system to form a completely islandable base-wide that can operate independently from the main utility grid.

The Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) shows the cost-effective potential of V2G, helping to reduce the base’s massive electric bill through frequency regulation. Cummins has developed the Tactical Energy Storage Unit (TESU), hence enhancing Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS) generators. This battery storage system is designed for mobile outdoor applications with 60 kW and can be paralleled with up to 5 generators, absorbing the excess load up to a certain value. It can be used as a standalone power source with the ability to switch to silent mode during critical military operations.


On 25 February, Russian troops blew up a gas pipeline near Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. Russia claims to have control over Chernobyl nuclear power plant, only 100km away from Kyiv. On 2 March, Russia claimed to have taken control of the area surrounding the 5.7GW nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, Europe’s largest. Ukraine faced a major cyberattack on 23 December 2015, which left roughly 230,000 households without electricity for up to six hours. The attack was attributed to a Kremlin-sponsored hacker group, and it was said to be the first publicly acknowledged successful cyberattack on a power grid.

This has created major power outages in Ukraine, where winter is running strong and falling below zero. Many supply lines for conventional electricity have been uprooted, further deepening the crisis where the remaining energy generation is coping to maintain its pre-war level energy production.

The war on Ukraine is also exposing the need to preserve and support critical energy infrastructure, from power plants and power grids to oil and gas pipelines, as the ‘toolbox’ of hybrid warfare tactics grows. Technologies like microgrids using energy storage technologies can be used in such cases, to support energy distribution.

It is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases, known as the ‘chain,’ in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Typically, this storage is referred to as a ‘digital ledger.

Key Concepts:-

  • It works on a decentralized Database, meaning the information flow and regulation are not controlled by any organization but a method of consensus reflecting all stakeholders.
  • These data entries or Blocks are described by the data it stores the Hash of the block and the hash of the previous block that builds a chain. Hence block Chain.
  • New data can be added, but deletion is difficult if not impossible due to time complexity and the need for consensus by other developers, hence gaining a majority for the edited block to be included in the chain.

Blockchain was developed in 2008 and was first used for creating Bitcoin, but it has proven to be so versatile and secure that it is being used by enterprises in various industries even the defense sector shows potential for its use.

Intellectual property and privacy security are the major challenges in today’s digitized world, hence there is a need for strong cybersecurity frameworks. There are various applications for them being in use:

  1. Cisco plans to use Blockchain to secure IoT devices as ledger technology eliminates single point of failure and encryption helps secure data.
  2. The Australian government has plans to develop a cybersecurity network based on DLT. The government has also partnered with IBM to secure the storage of government documents with the creation of a Blockchain ecosystem.
  3. China’s government and the military are attempting to secure vital government and military information, and intelligence information using Blockchain cybersecurity.

By 2023, global spending on Blockchain solutions will increase from 1.5 billion in 2018 to 15.9 billion. Also, the value of Blockchain technology in the commercial world will exceed $3 trillion by 2030, according to Gartner.

56% of Indian businesses are moving towards Blockchain technology, making it a part of their core business. The National Informatics Centre has established a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain Technology, which operates as a coordinated, interoperable Blockchain ecosystem around the nation.

The development of Blockchain-based applications such as smart contracts, dApps, and cryptocurrency has given rise to its demand and, in turn, increased its overall value.

Although concepts like the Metaverse and NFT market are still far-fetched from the perspective of the general public, it has become a reason for technological enthusiasm among the youth of the country. The development of Polygon(which has garnered support from various Ethereum-based projects worldwide) by three Indian developers has curbed the biggest con of the Ethereum Blockchain of processing timing by making scalability easier using Polygon EVM.

Crypto Currencies 

Cryptocurrency provides a decentralized way of transaction and finance, which is in contradiction to the most well known financial systems in the country and a big blow to the global Economic hold by Influential countries like America.

One such border political conflict had arisen lately pertaining to the Russia-Ukraine War. Though there is a global backlash on the side of Russia being the aggressor. Russia’s central bank assets have been frozen, to stop it from using its $630bn (£470bn) of foreign currency reserves.

This caused the rouble to fall 22% in value, pushing up the price of imported goods and leading to a 14% rise in Russia’s inflation rate. The rouble has since recovered, but mainly due to measures by Moscow to prop it up.

Moreover, fintech has removed access to Russian financial services, the biggest example being Swift which is a powerful International Financial system thus delaying transactions to Russia for energy exports. Again, cryptocurrencies being decentralised in nature are almost immune to the political sanctions and such has been seen in this case also, many major cryptocurrency exchanges put forth defiant statements this week when Ukraine asked them to freeze any accounts belonging to Russians, with some exchanges calling upon crypto’s history of libertarian ideals to back up their decisions.

Hence, It is not far-fetched that the International powers will be entering the cryptocurrency Blockchains to become part of the consensus ecosystem that can in turn show the effect of the country’s influence on cryptocurrency. This garners a modicum of economic security at the International Level.

Cryptocurrencies in India are a hot topic, which is still unresolved and unprecedented after more than a decade of their introduction. India recently decided to tax digital assets like cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFT) with a 30-per cent tax on the transfer of such assets as well as a 1-per cent tax deduction at source (TDS) on every transaction, but that still doesn’t make its position clear on cryptocurrencies rather experts believe that India has vetoed its decision to see what the world response will be about cryptocurrencies.


Blockchain technology is a rapidly growing area with many unexplored prospects waiting for grabs. The digital revolution has brought forth the need of a more independent and highly connected form of technology which the technology promises to provide. This is the era of transition for the world into a new technology sphere which will not only provide a number of avenues for research and development of new projects. But at the same time it will also play a vital role in the future war fares with utilization of Blockchain technology.

Rising environmental concerns, a growing desire for sustainability, and rising gasoline prices have prompted governments to look into alternative energy sources. Hydrogen energy research and development is receiving a significant amount of funding. In contrast to traditional fossil fuels, which emit CO2, hydrogen is a clean fuel that emits only water as a byproduct when burned. The energy system can be made clean, renewable, and sustainable if hydrogen can be produced from water using renewable energy.

The concept of fuel cells and the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is not new, but the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology that is practical for use in commercial transportation systems and infrastructures is presently speeding up. However, it will take a few years before it is available commercially. Fuel cells for commercial cars and machinery have the potential to become indispensable in the future of transportation and infrastructure, with countries racing to research, manufacture, and commercialise hydrogen fuel cell solutions. Given the scarcity of rare metals needed to create EV batteries, hydrogen will become increasingly important in providing zero-emission transportation. Because hydrogen is abundant, it has the potential to level the playing field in the automotive industry, whereas the supply of raw materials for electric vehicle batteries is monopolised by a few major companies.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), hydrogen’s part of the energy mix in the 2050s could rise to 12% from nearly nil now. According to the report, 66% of the hydrogen used in 2050 must be green, meaning it must be created from water rather than natural gas.

In particular, the automobile industry has worked to transition to renewable energy sources and minimise its carbon impact. In this context, hydrogen fuel cell technology is gaining traction throughout the world as a viable multi-sector alternative to fossil fuels.

Fuel cell technology uses hydrogen’s chemical energy to create electricity in a clean and efficient manner. Hydrogen is an energy carrier, unlike basic fuels like coal and petroleum, or renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. This means that hydrogen must be created utilising main energy sources like natural gas, water, biomass, and so on. Hydrogen may be utilised to power industrial and commercial buildings, transportation, and long-term grid-based energy storage in reversible systems after it has been obtained. Hydrogen fuel-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), are like other electric cars and have an electric motor. FCEVs, on the other hand, create energy using a fuel cell stack fuelled by hydrogen stored on-board, rather than utilising batteries that take power from the grid.

FCEVs are among the cleanest means of transportation since they generate only water vapour and warm air rather than toxic exhaust emissions. Future technology advancements are expected to increase total WTW (well-to-wheel) efficiency for FCEVs, which is currently estimated to be about 30–35 per cent. 

How the world is working towards adopting hydrogen?

  • The European Union is pushing for a hydrogen initiative that will include aviation and heavy industry. Manufacturers will welcome the availability of an alternative CO2-free fuel because EU CO2 law for automobiles and SUVs needs average fuel usage of 92 miles per gallon by 2030. The EU laws are close to requiring all new automobiles to be battery-powered by 2030, yet electric cars have so far only succeeded in reaching high-priced categories. The race is on to develop a mass-market electric vehicle by 2030, but many fear it will fail. According to IHS Markit, worldwide production of battery-only powered sedans and SUVs will account for just 15.9% of the market in , while gasoline, diesel, and mild hybrids (ICEs supplemented by extra electrification) would account for just over 70%. In a rational world, the EU would encourage automakers to create more fuel-efficient ICE automobiles. Instead, it appears to be threatening to tighten the existing regulations.
  • Meanwhilze, the Hydrogen Council, a worldwide business group founded to promote the technology, predicts that by 2050, hydrogen would power more than 400 million vehicles and SUVs, up to 20 million tracks, and 5 million buses, according to US investment research firm Energy & Capital. Hydrogen will generate 18% of the world’s energy by 2050.
  • The Indian government, on the other hand, has lately made steps to establish infrastructure for hydrogen use. In March, Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari announced the commencement of a pilot project for hydrogen-based advanced fuel cell electric cars. Toyota Kirloskar Motor is collaborating with the International Center for Automotive Technology (ICAT) on a pilot project to test and evaluate the world’s most sophisticated FCEV, the Toyota Mirai, which runs on hydrogen, on Indian roads and in Indian climates. It would be a first-of-its-kind effort in India to create awareness about the Toyota Mirai, a hydrogen-only automobile featuring FCEV technology.


Hydrogen might be the best option for our future energy needs, but it will take political will and investment to make it happen. However, when fossil fuels become scarce, hydrogen may become an important source of energy for the world’s population. The cost of hydrogen is already falling globally, partially due to lower renewable energy costs, but also due to advancements in water electrolysis and hydrogen fuel cell technologies. The International Energy Agency in Paris estimates that the cost of producing hydrogen will drop by another 30% by 2030, but the rapid cost reductions of recent photovoltaic solar energy projects in the Middle East may mean that the local cost of commercially producing hydrogen will fall even faster. The hydrogen economy might prove to be a vital instrument in the transition away from hydrocarbons as investment in hydrogen infrastructure develops and net costs continue to decline.

The United States and Russia have long been at odds, and this has had a direct impact on countries that have links with both of them. India has always been a friend of Russia and has been working hard to strengthen its ties with the United States. The world was shocked recently by Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine in the shape of a conflict. The long-running disputes between the United States and Russia were aggravated. Following multiple sanctions on Russia, the international community rallied around Ukraine. 

What happened when Russia invaded Ukraine?

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union had increased sanctions against the country in an effort to isolate it. These were the most recent policies, which are among the most draconian in contemporary history.

Joe Biden, the US president, imposed sanctions on four Russian banks, including V.E.B., as well as corrupt billionaires linked to Putin, in a speech on February 22. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared that all major Russian banks’ assets were frozen and were barred from the UK financial system, as well as it followed by a suspension of several export licences to Russia. It also froze the assets of over 100 other persons and businesses and imposed a deposit restriction for Russian residents in UK bank accounts. Major Russian banks are now excluded from SWIFT, but there will still be restricted access to ensure the ability to pay for gas supplies. Furthermore, the West declared that sanctions to be imposed on the Russian Central Bank, which owns $630 billion in foreign reserves, to prevent it from selling assets in order to mitigate the impact of sanctions. 

The United States implemented export controls, a unique sanction which aimed at limiting Russian access to high-tech components, including hardware and software, manufactured with any parts or intellectual property from the United States. Any individual or firm wishing to export technology, semiconductors, encryption software, lasers, or sensors to Russia had to apply for a licence, which was automatically refused. Sanctions against the individual or firm were employed as part of the enforcement mechanism, with the shipbuilding, aircraft, and defence industries being targeted.

India’s Support for Russia in the UN assembly:

The Russian-Indian relationship has traditionally been cordial. The leaders have terrific chemistry, and residents are friendly to one another. Ordinary Russians consider India as a trustworthy ally with whom their nation enjoys a peaceful relationship. 

The Soviet Union had used its veto multiple times to defend India against Western resolutions on Kashmir, India’s invasion of Goa, and the 1971 war with Pakistan that resulted in Bangladesh’s formation. India, on the other hand, voted no on resolutions denouncing the Soviet invasions of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and Afghanistan a decade later. It voted against denouncing Russian operations in Chechnya and Abkhazia in the twenty-first century. Behind this is India’s long-standing opposition to Western imperialism – albeit, granted, it should also oppose Russian imperialism to be consistent. India’s decision not to speak at the UN further highlights the fact that Western involvement with India reflects a shift in Western perceptions of India rather than any fundamental transformation within India. During the Cold War, India was widely seen as a nation of spiritualism, yoga, poverty, and curry by Western eyes. Because of its non-alignment, it became reliant on the Soviet Union for armament acquisitions, which continues to this day. 

In recent years, India’s foreign policy has proved that, for the most part, you can have your cake and eat it too by keeping excellent ties with countries that are antagonistic to each other. It has been given a pass when it has interacted with countries with whom the West disagrees, such as Iran. While India’s continuing acquisition of a Russian missile defence system has prompted US sanctions. 

The USA claims to provide aid for India to lessen the country’s dependency on the trade with Russia, more promptly its reliance on weaponry and defence deals with Russia. The two countries, USA and India have been in process of strengthening their relations for the past decade. As part of the Framework on Defence Technology, India and the US have finalised an agreement to create an air-launched unmanned aerial vehicle. India and the United States have committed to increasing defence technology collaboration by pursuing thorough planning and making demonstrable progress on a variety of programmes, in keeping with their fast increasing strategic partnerships. MH-60Rs, P-8s, C-130Js, C-17s, AH[1]64s, CH-47s, and M777 howitzers were among the MH-60Rs, P-8s, C-130Js, C-17s, AH[1]64s, CH-47s, and M777 howitzers that India purchased from the US throughout the years. India may buy further US systems in the future, such as F-21s (former F-16s), F/A-18s, additional P-8s, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (UAVs).

India’s primary concern is internal development. Before India to play the sort of global role that many in the West envision, it will need years of steady economic growth. While its economy is improving, the epidemic had a toll. Based on its own thoughts and reasons, it has built a framework for the country’s future prosperity and foreign policy. With the help of the US, India may be able to get acknowledgement and support for its “great power identity.” There is little question that diplomacy with the United States has always been a priority for India’s foreign policy, and the two nations’ defense ties provide a firm basis for their relationship. According to India, the United States is more than simply the superpower with the most global reach, the most formidable military, and the most advanced economy and technology. It could also help India in areas such as investment, economics and trade, science and technology, military, and diplomacy.

Turkey is highly active in creating new systems, including high-tech equipment, using domestic resources, Turkey’s defence and aerospace exports are likely to top $4 billion by the end of the year 2022. Turkey is not only exporting these technologies, but it is also educating allies in how to use them. Turkey aims to train partner commanders and troops because it will have enough clout in the future to not only integrate those forces into its defence sector but also to strengthen its political influence in critical ally nations. 

While Turkey continues to rely largely on foreign sources for a large portion of its military hardware and technology. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey intends to abolish its military industry’s reliance on foreign suppliers by 2023, the centennial of the Turkish republic’s founding. The private defence industry in Turkey, the likes of FNSS, Otokar, BMC, and Nurol Makina specialise in 4×4, 6×6, and 8×8 armoured platforms, tracked infantry combat vehicles, and main battle tanks and weapon systems in Turkey’s defence sector. These systems are sold to a broad range of consumers across the world, in addition to its National Security Forces. The most notable product samples of the Turkish Defense Industry competing in worldwide markets are 8×8 PARS, 6×6 PARS, 6X6 ARMA; 4×4 COBRA, EJDER YALCIN, VURAN; ALTAY MBT and KAPLAN Medium Tanks.

On the contrary, there is an increased usage of drones for duties ranging from intelligence collection and surveillance to border control, as well as their adaptability in counterterrorism and military operations. This tendency is amplified by the effective integration of advances in data management and artificial intelligence with drone technology, which has been dubbed a “renaissance” in the industry. Turkey has its sights set on this industry and is attempting to remain ahead of the competition by releasing new-generation drones with increased capabilities that make use of these advancements. The diverse range of drones created by Turkish firms has become the face of Turkey’s burgeoning national military sector. The Turkish arms exports market, which had previously been dominated by small arms and armoured personnel carriers, has now expanded to encompass drones, missiles, frigates, and other high-end military systems, with submarine sales on the cards. Turkish companies’ varied variety of drones has become the face of Turkey’s developing national defence business. The Turkish weapons export business, which was formerly dominated by small arms and armoured personnel carriers, has now grown to include drones, missiles, frigates, and other high-end military equipment, with submarine sales on the horizon.

Turkey’s military industry has made significant strides in developing USV capabilities. The first project, ULAQ, is presently in mass production after passing all testing and being sea-tested. The ULAQ was offered to NATO nations last month by a joint venture of ARES Shipyard and Meteksan Defence, and it is seen as a formidable contender to dominate this area. The NB57 ASW and RD09 ASuW USVs are other projects unveiled by Turkey’s premier military firm Aselsan in July 2021. This summer, Aselsan’s project partner, Sefine Shipyard, cut the first steel for the boats. Apart from these projects, Aselsan debuted its “Albatros-S” USV Swarm idea during the IDEF-2021 military expo in Istanbul in August 2021. While Albatros-S is a research and development project, it is also compatible with other USV initiatives and Albatros-S unmanned surface boats. The fourth proposal came from Dearsan Shipyard, which on December 23 announced a new family of armed unmanned surface boats (USVs), the USV 15, on its social media sites.

Meteksan Defence Industry Inc., a Turkish defence corporation, has been working with NAZAR, a new ground-based laser system. The NAZAR, one of Turkey’s most intriguing defence concepts. The land-based NAZAR System was exhibited for the first time at the Meteksan Defence booth at the IDEF 2021 Exhibition, having been developed within the scope of the 1st Phase of NAZAR Project signed between the Presidency of Defence Industries of the Republic of Turkey and Meteksan Defence in recent years. To safeguard vital bases and infrastructure, the land-based NAZAR System delivers broadband state-of-the-art laser soft-kill capabilities against EO/IR guided missiles. With its laser soft-kill capacity, the NAZAR Project, which features a technology that only a few nations in the world are working on, is seen as a strategically important project for Turkey. The system has been designed to detect EO and IR-guided missiles and to employ laser blinding and soft-kill tactics against missiles with this capability. As a result, EO/IR guided missiles will be able to be neutralised from a long distance.

NAZAR has been designed to be effective not just against known EO/IR guided missiles, but also to include reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities that will give it an edge against asymmetric threats due to its broadband operating capacity. To improve overall efficiency, the system will be able to function in conjunction with other sensors and systems.


Turkey’s attempts to modernise and strengthen its national defence infrastructure have yielded very effective achievements in a number of crucial sectors. To address the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces using local sources, key defence industrial organisations have been developed, each of which fills a significant gap in their area of operation. Nonetheless, Turkey’s drones and armoured vehicles appear to have the proper mix of pricing, capability, and reputation to pique the interest of forces across the world. While the prowess and acceleration in technology and equipment innovation will not only build a strong military sector, it will also place Turkey’s defence industry among the leading exporters, further cementing Turkey’s worldwide status as a producer of high-quality, inexpensive specialised weaponry.