What do we understand from Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence, in its most basic form, is a subject that combines computer science with large datasets to solve problems. It also includes the sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, both of which are usually referenced when discussing artificial intelligence. AI algorithms are used in these industries to develop expert systems that make predictions or classifications based on input data. Governments have been making progress in adopting AI as an important element of their defence systems in order to gain a military advantage over their competitors and to satisfy the proverbial unquenchable need for power. 

The strength of a country’s army is one of the factors that defines its power. In some of the most developed countries, investment in this area is the highest when compared to other sectors. A large chunk of this money will go into rigorous research and development in contemporary technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) in military applications. Large volumes of data can be efficiently handled by AI-enabled tactical equipment. Furthermore, such technologies have increased self-regulation, self-control, and self-actuation as a result of their greater computing and decision-making abilities. Advances in artificial intelligence have opened up new possibilities in defence technology. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of armed personnel, the potential for conducting a war may be boosted by incorporating Artificial Intelligence into military operations. Several countries throughout the world are using AI to improve the performance of their defence forces. 


  • Surveillance:

AI is used with geospatial analysis to help extract relevant data from connected devices like as radars and automated tactical systems. The information might be used to investigate and uncover any illegal or questionable activity. Military drones have become increasingly popular in recent years. Drone technology has come a long way since its origins. These remote-controlled vehicles can be used for a range of purposes, such as terrain mapping and unmanned aerial vehicle flight.                                                               

  • Cyber-Security:

With so many military sites becoming digitised, it’s more important than ever to keep the information contained on these web portals safe. A maliciously hacked network might put the entire region’s security at jeopardy. Defence organisations are employing machine learning to predict and guard against illegal breaches. Intrusion detection is often achieved by classifying the network as either normal or intrusive. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches can improve the accuracy of such categorisation and provide protection alternatives in response to malware, phishing, and brute force assaults on data centres and government websites.

  • Logistics:

One of the most important factors in determining whether or not a military operation succeeds is logistics. Military logistic systems are combined with machine learning and geospatial analysis to save labour, costs, and inaccuracy.

  • Weaponry:

AI in defence is being used to build targeted missiles, sophisticated armaments, and high-performance fighter jets. Advanced missiles, for example, can estimate and assess target levels for kill zones without the involvement of humans. These applications, which need extensive study, have the potential to change the face of defence in the not-too-distant future.

In addition to its various applications and benefits, the employment of AI in defence poses an ethical quandary as well. Unintentionally, experts and organisations all around the globe have elevated such technologies, creating tensions between countries. One concern is that if an AI system fails to function as intended, it might have disastrous consequences. Several human and civil rights organisations have called for an outright prohibition on autonomous devices in defence, particularly armament.

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