
The 86 billion neurons of the human brain represent humankind’s primary evolutionary advantage and, perhaps, an area of untapped potential. Currently, our brains interact with the world through our bodies, sending electrical currents through the nervous system to vocalize with our mouths, to type—or swipe—with our fingers, or to move bipedally through space. Neurotechnological advances have already given quadriplegics the ability to perform basic operations in an F-35 simulator with their thoughts1 and have given scientists the ability to decode speech that subjects are imagining in their minds—albeit imperfectly. Eventually, our physical

Brain-computer interface (BCI) represents an emerging and potentially disruptive area of technology that, to date, has received minimal public discussion in the defense and national security policy communities. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has invested in the development of technologies that allow the human brain to communicate directly with machines, including the development of implantable neural interfaces able to transfer data between the human brain and the digital world. This technology may eventually be used to monitor a soldier’s cognitive workload, control a drone swarm, or link with a prosthetic, among other examples. However, there is a sense of skepticism on numerous policy, safety, legal, and ethical fronts that need to be evaluated and answered before the technology can be assumed to its full potential.

Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a collaboration between a brain and a device that enables signals from the brain to direct external activity, the interface enables a direct communications pathway between the brain and the object to be controlled.

the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has suggested that “smart systems will significantly impact how our troops operate in the future, and now is the time to be thinking about what human-machine teaming will actually look like and how it might be accomplished. . .”

Work with BCI tends to fall into the following categories, which provide a framework for our investigations of operational relevance and applied capabilities in subsequent sections:

  • data transfer from the brain
  • direct system control
  • prosthetics and paralysis treatment
  • cortically coupled AI (for training or running AI systems)
  • data transfer to the brain, and brain-to-brain communication.

these can be segmented further into work involving invasive systems and noninvasive systems. Invasive systems involve implanting electronic devices beneath the human skull, inside the brain. The surgery allows practitioners to place the implant exactly where desired to monitor precise sets of neurons that govern specific neurological functions, but it carries health risks. Alternatively, noninvasive systems sit outside the skull. While this reduces risk to the user, the skull essentially acts as a filter and muffles the electrical signal.

People have witnessed conflicts as a result of the race for power. These battles have shown a persistent underlying need to remain on top while absolving oneself of all responsibility for the collateral damage that results. 

World War I, was the first modern mechanised industrial war, in which material resources and manufacturing capabilities were just as important as military competence. Machine guns, tanks, motorised transport vehicles, high explosives, chemical weapons, aeroplanes, field radios and telephones, aerial reconnaissance cameras, and quickly improving medical technology and research were only a few of the sectors that transformed twentieth-century combat. The new military technology was chronicled as completely as any other part of the conflict by the AEF painters. The first large-scale use of aerial warfare occurred during World War I. Killing from afar became more effective with the development of sea and aerial weaponry. Ship-mounted guns could fire at targets up to twenty miles inland. German submarines’ stealth and speed provided them a significant edge in their control of the North Sea. 

During World War II, both sides, the axis and the allies worked tirelessly to develop increasingly complicated and lethal weaponry. Throughout the war, nations developed more sophisticated aircraft, culminating in the Messerschmitt Me262, the world’s first jet fighter. On the ground, extremely powerful tanks like the Panther and T-34 ruled the battlefield, while at sea, technologies like sonar helped remove the danger of U-boats, and aircraft carriers ruled the waters. Perhaps most importantly, with the Little Boy bomb launched on Hiroshima, the United States became the first country to produce nuclear weapons.

The demands on a nation’s resources are immense during wartime. From supplies to military people, these resources are all available. Fighting a war is costly and thus imposes a cost on the population of a country. People left behind must labour even harder to protect the nation’s infrastructure from collapse while warriors march off to combat. War, on the other hand, may have a positive impact on technical progress. In general, conflicts build up a tendency to speed up technical progress in order to adapt instruments to meet specific military requirements.                                                                                 

With the world watching as nations demonstrate advanced warfighting capabilities, military drone use will grow significantly, led by the widespread adoption of surveillance and attack UAVs across the world. The expanding size and capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be a force multiplier for naval operations in the near future, thanks to increased investment in procurement, research, and development. As AI technology improves, these UAVs will be able to carry out increasingly complex missions. The most appealing feature of a UAV is that it is unmanned. When a person is added to a machine, it loses its design and operating flexibility. Furthermore, unmanned systems are best suited to long-duration missions involving strongly defended targets, which are more dangerous for manned operations.

Countries with limited defence budgets can improve their airpower by investing more in drones rather than expensive human combat aircraft. As technology advances, low-cost drones will take to the sky and the oceans. Small and medium combat UAVs offer a cost-effective boost to the country’s air capabilities on the tactical front line with little escalation when deployed in large numbers.

World Outlook:               

For over two decades, the United States has used armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Since 1995, the American Predator drone has been in service and assisted in recognising and marking Osama bin Laden’s presence in Afghanistan in 2000. The incident had accelerated the development of weapons-carrying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The MQ-9 Reaper, produced by General Atomics, is America’s primary combat drone, which the Air Force has employed to assist missions around the world for over a decade.

Israel is the world’s leading supplier of drones. Harpy drones were sold to China for $55 million in 1994 by Israel. Israel since then has delivered UAVs worth $4.6 billion to Europe, Asia, and the United States since then. Israel exports drones to 56 countries. The IAI Heron, on the other hand, is meant to compete with the Reaper. According to a database developed by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Israel accounted for 41% of all drones exported between 2001 and 2011.                                        

Indian Outlook:

India has been making significant progress into the procurement and development of UAVs. The nation has recently procured 50 Heron unmanned aerial vehicles from Israel. India is also looking at US-made MQ-9 Reaper drones. The indigenous Rustom II, a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) combat drone created by DRDO, is in development. Rustom II may carry a variety of payloads, such as made gap radar, electronic insight frameworks, and situational mindfulness frameworks. The UAV is similar to the American Predator UAV and has a 24-hour autonomy. The UAV may carry a variety of payloads, including synthetic aperture radar, electronic intelligence systems, and situational awareness payloads, among otachers. Due to the creation and testing of domestic drones, India is the leading customer of drones.                             


Proliferation threats via the international weapons market are increasing, as is the potential that more nations may deploy drones for military reasons at home and in neighbouring countries, as countries as different as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China engage in their own military drone programmes. Drone use on the ground and/or against a suspected hostile neighbour raises the possibility of reprisal and additional military escalation, albeit not necessarily to full-scale war. However, the proliferation of drones is only a step away from an anticipated drone arms race, which has already been hinted at by recent breakthroughs in anti-drone defence systems as well as stealth drones.

Drones will increasingly be perceived as serving national and international security goals better than expeditionary campaigns as drone technology progresses and proliferates. However, the temptation for more countries to employ drones more frequently will not necessarily make the globe a safer or less violent place.

Humans have been developing tools and technologies to help us achieve our goals since the beginning of time. Huge technological breakthroughs have resulted in large adjustments in social structures, as well as how people contribute to society and make a livelihood. Today’s technological advancements are fast allowing much of the labour that is now done by people to be automated. This applies to both blue-collar and white-collar employment, thanks to robotics and the Internet of Things, as well as artificial intelligence. The widespread application of these technologies has sparked widespread worry about job loss. Although technology has almost always made certain occupations obsolete, it has also created new ones. Technology is a collection of tools that are employed in a variety of ways to boost productivity. Some occupations were lost as a result of the Industrial Revolution, but many more were created. It also enhanced society’s overall wealth and began to develop a middle class that could benefit from health, education, and other services previously solely available to the wealthy. It can be difficult to forecast what kind of employment will be created and in what quantities as a result of this new revolution, making the situation appear worse than it is.

This illustration may appear unduly hopeful to some. The new positions need an entirely different skill set – an assembly line worker cannot be transformed into a data scientist overnight, if at all. Despite the fact that the Industrial Revolution lasted several decades, it resulted in immense social upheaval, discontent, and severe hardship for many people. The digital revolution might unfold far more quickly, affecting enormous swaths of a complex, interconnected economy with strong feedback loops. Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a bigger role in how we live, work, and play in the future. However, we are still a long way from a day when computers will completely replace the global workforce, particularly invocations that need parts of the human brain (perception, social intelligence, and creativity). As technology’s breadth and capabilities develop, those that embrace and leverage AI to incorporate efficiency into routine operations while infusing human talents and knowledge into the system are likely to gain the most. Rather than taking an all-or-nothing strategy to boost abilities, embrace the human-in-the-loop method and benefit from the one-two punch of artificial and human intellect while planning for the future.

Whilst, AI still falls short – Surgery is best left in the hands of skilled surgeons, the fine motor skills and capacity to recognise and appraise each scenario are considerably superior to that of any machine. Similarly, AI cannot replace the amount of social intelligence required for HR professionals to connect with candidates and workers and develop healthy relationships. Finally, robots will never be able to match an attorney’s inventiveness or intelligence when it comes to drafting, negotiating, or enforcing complicated contracts. Humans in the loop aids workflow which further combines artificial and human intelligence to complement people and generate a better result than either could separately. To obtain the desired outcome, a person working alongside a machine or computer enters data into the system. Humans train, tune, and test algorithms that get smarter and more accurate over time, and this process form a continuous cycle. Complex AI systems have emerged into tools that are more powerful and efficient than what could be accomplished with purely automated or totally manual systems alone by adding human judgement and preference into the loop.

In order to address the issue of whether AI systems will be able to replace humans, one must first recognise that human psychology and an AI system are fundamentally different.

While both work with cognitive processes including problem-solving, memorization, planning, reasoning, and perception gathering, the human mind is significantly more competent in these simple activities. The human brain is capable of incorporating emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and human experience into various activities, giving each one a distinct flavour. On the other hand, the AI system is currently too immature to learn on its own. Humans must still teach it with data sets in order for it to accomplish various jobs. At the end of the day, artificial intelligence is a creation of the human intellect. Because of human inventiveness, total automation of certain activities is now conceivable. Even while the topic of whether or not humanity will be replaced by AI remains unanswered, we may be comfortable that, for the time being, AI is nowhere near to reaching the level of technological maturity required to take over the human race.


The subject of AI replacing humans in many areas may never have a definitive solution. Predictions and observations are all we have. Before the negative impacts of AI technology grow too great, it needs ongoing supervision and inspection. AI takeover will be restricted to the exciting tales of dystopian movies and fictitious worlds if adequate rules are in place to protect users. It’s never too early to start thinking about the future. People must challenge themselves to comprehend the data and automation technologies on the horizon now in order to be prepared for tomorrow’s advancements in automation. However, capturing value from automation needs more than just data and technological know-how. The biggest obstacles will be the personnel and organisational adjustments that leaders must implement when automation upends whole business processes, as well as the culture of businesses, which must come to see automation as a dependable productivity lever. Senior executives, on the other hand, will have to “let go” in ways that go against a century of organisational growth.

What do we understand from Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence, in its most basic form, is a subject that combines computer science with large datasets to solve problems. It also includes the sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, both of which are usually referenced when discussing artificial intelligence. AI algorithms are used in these industries to develop expert systems that make predictions or classifications based on input data. Governments have been making progress in adopting AI as an important element of their defence systems in order to gain a military advantage over their competitors and to satisfy the proverbial unquenchable need for power. 

The strength of a country’s army is one of the factors that defines its power. In some of the most developed countries, investment in this area is the highest when compared to other sectors. A large chunk of this money will go into rigorous research and development in contemporary technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) in military applications. Large volumes of data can be efficiently handled by AI-enabled tactical equipment. Furthermore, such technologies have increased self-regulation, self-control, and self-actuation as a result of their greater computing and decision-making abilities. Advances in artificial intelligence have opened up new possibilities in defence technology. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of armed personnel, the potential for conducting a war may be boosted by incorporating Artificial Intelligence into military operations. Several countries throughout the world are using AI to improve the performance of their defence forces. 


  • Surveillance:

AI is used with geospatial analysis to help extract relevant data from connected devices like as radars and automated tactical systems. The information might be used to investigate and uncover any illegal or questionable activity. Military drones have become increasingly popular in recent years. Drone technology has come a long way since its origins. These remote-controlled vehicles can be used for a range of purposes, such as terrain mapping and unmanned aerial vehicle flight.                                                               

  • Cyber-Security:

With so many military sites becoming digitised, it’s more important than ever to keep the information contained on these web portals safe. A maliciously hacked network might put the entire region’s security at jeopardy. Defence organisations are employing machine learning to predict and guard against illegal breaches. Intrusion detection is often achieved by classifying the network as either normal or intrusive. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches can improve the accuracy of such categorisation and provide protection alternatives in response to malware, phishing, and brute force assaults on data centres and government websites.

  • Logistics:

One of the most important factors in determining whether or not a military operation succeeds is logistics. Military logistic systems are combined with machine learning and geospatial analysis to save labour, costs, and inaccuracy.

  • Weaponry:

AI in defence is being used to build targeted missiles, sophisticated armaments, and high-performance fighter jets. Advanced missiles, for example, can estimate and assess target levels for kill zones without the involvement of humans. These applications, which need extensive study, have the potential to change the face of defence in the not-too-distant future.

In addition to its various applications and benefits, the employment of AI in defence poses an ethical quandary as well. Unintentionally, experts and organisations all around the globe have elevated such technologies, creating tensions between countries. One concern is that if an AI system fails to function as intended, it might have disastrous consequences. Several human and civil rights organisations have called for an outright prohibition on autonomous devices in defence, particularly armament.